Laureates | Concours de Genève

Adriana Ferreira

2nd Prize ex aequo flute 2014

Adriana Ferreira is one of the most remarkable flutists of her generation. In 2010, when shewas barely nineteen years old, Adriana won the First Prize, Orchestra Prize and YoungJury's Prize at the Carl Nielsen International Competition in Denmark.

In 2013, she was awarded 3rd Prize at the Kobe International Competition in Japan, beforeobtaining First Prize of the Severino Gazzelloni Competition in Italy in 2014. Finally, she wonthe Geneva International Competition (joint 2nd Prize, the 1st Prize was not attributed),where she was also honoured by the "Coup de Cœur Breguet" Special Prize.

Since 2018, Adriana Ferreira is Principal Flute of Rome's Orchestra dell'AccademiaNazionale di Santa Cecilia. She was previously Co-Principal Flute at the Orchestre Nationalde France (2012-2018) and Principal Flute of the Rotterdam Philhamonic Orchestra(2016-2017).

Performing in numerous festivals (Barcelona, Giverny, Caravane Musicale de Monte-Carlo,Copenhagen, Kuhmo, NFA...), she played as soloist with the Gulbenkian Orchestra, OdenseSymphony Orchestra, Sun Symphony Orchestra, Geneva, Köln and Kremlin (Moscow)chamber orchestras. Adriana Ferreira is working with several composers and has firstperformed, among others, Joaquim Santos' Flute Concerto.

As a duet with pianist Isolda Crespi, she published in 2011 the CD Danse des Sylphes withNumerica in Portugal, followed in 2015 by a CD for the Falaut collection in Italy. Recently,she released a CD as a soloist with the Geneva Chamber Orchestra, for the label La DolceVolta.

Born in Cabeceiras de Basto, Portugal, she studied at the Artave Music School (2002-2008)with Joaquina Mota. Laureate of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation in Lisbon, she joinedthe classes of Sophie Cherrier, Vincent Lucas and Pierre Dumail at the Paris Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique (2008-2015), where she has obtained her diploma (3rd cyclesupérieur). She also studied with Benoît Fromanger at the Berlin Hochschüle Hanns Eisler,attended the Sir James Galway flute class in Weggis, and holds a Musicology Degree fromthe Paris-Sorbonne University.

Biography updated on 30.06.2020 |