Laureates | Concours de Genève

Artur Akshelyan

Composition Prize 2011

Born December 28 1984 in Yerevan (Armenia), Artur Akshelyan studied composition from 2002 to 2007 with Vardan Adjemyan Komitas at the State Conservatory in Yerevan. Since 2008, he studied composition with Michael Jarrell, electronic music with Luis Naon and Eric Daubresse at the Geneva University of Music. He also had workshops with Stefano Gerfasoni, Philippe Hurel, Paul Mefano, Henri Dutilleux, Ashot Zohrabyan, and other composers.

He has received several international awards: First prize at the Geneva composition in the 2011, Composition Prize contest Kiefer-Hablitzel in Bern (2012), his string quartet was selected in the workshop of the Arditti Quartet at the Universite IMR in London. In November 2012 he was selected to the Shanghai new music festival, annual week in China. Elected to the "Domaine Forget" in collaboration with Nouvel Ensemble Moderne in Quebec (2011), awarded Honorable Mention for his "Lichtfarben" to "Gaudeamus Prize 2010", winner of the contest Jurgenson in Moscow. In 2007 "Kyrie Eleison" won the prize for the third pre-contest art in Zurich etc..

Interpreters of his works are the Nouvel Ensemble Moderne (Canada Quebec), the Ensemble Insomnio (Amsterdam), the Ensemble Contrechamps (Geneva), the Arditti Quartet (London), the pre-set art (Zurich), the Geneva Chamber Orchestra, the Studio for new Music Ensemble (Moscow), the Chamber Orchestra of the Armenian Diaspora (Paris), under the direction Ulrich Pohl, Lorraine Vaillancourt 's Igor Dronov, Benoit Wilmann, Mathilda Vittu etc..