Eyal Ein-Habar | Concours de Genève

Eyal Ein-Habar

member of the flute jury

Eyal Ein-Habar, Israel - member of the flute jury 2014

Flutist-Conductor Eyal Ein-Habar, first chair player of the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra since 1997, was born in Israel in 1971. He is a flute instructor and Head of the Wind Department at Tel-Aviv University’s Buchmann-Mehta School of Music. He won the Scheveningen International Flute Competition, in Holland (1992) the Francois Shapira Competition, in Israel (1996) and the Kobe International Flute Competition, in Japan (1993). He was a recipient of the America-Israel Cultural Foundation Scholarships between 1983 and 1996. He performs regularly as a solo flutist and as a soloist-conductor with all major Israeli orchestras, as well as with different orchestras around the world. He presents recitals and masterclasses internationally and has performed chamber music in festivals and concert tours in Israel, Europe, North and South America, and Canada. Eyal Ein-Habar is a founding member of the Israel Woodwind Quintet. He recorded three CDs with the Quintet and four with the Israel Flute Ensemble. His recordings can be found on Centaur Records (USA), Meridian (England), IMI (Israel), among others.