Emmanuel Hondré
Director Philharmonie de Paris / Cité de la musique
Emmanuel Hondré est actuellement directeur du Département concerts et spectacles de la Philharmonie de Paris – Cité de la musique (500 concerts par an). Il a étudié au Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris (musicologie, histoire de la musique, pédagogie, esthétique) et est docteur en musicologie à l’université de Tours.
Emmanuel Hondré est régulièrement invité à donner des conférences et à animer des séminaires sur la programmation, le management de la culture et la vie musicale (Paris, Lyon, Genève, Moscou, Saint-Pétersbourg, Shanghai, Wuhan). Il est membre plusieurs comités d’experts et est invité au jury de concours internationaux (Moscou 2012 & 2016, Saint-Pétersbourg 2015, Shanghai 2016).

Une semaine d'échanges et de dialogues entre des lauréats du Concours de Genève et des professionnels du monde de la musique et de la scène, entre cas pratiques, exemples personnalisés et ouverture sur les aspects "indirectement artistiques" de la vie du jeune musicien.
This year’s Prizewinners’ Workshop 2020 was supposed to be held during the first week of May and bring together half a dozen recent prizewinners of the Geneva Competition (2019) along with a few students from the HEM, who are completing a Masters in specialized music performance as soloist. Due to the sanitary crisis caused by the Covid-19, this workshop could unfortunately not take place in person, despite it having been postponed to the month of September. The Geneva Competition therefore decided to innovate by offering a Prizewinners’ e-Workshop, which will be held online during more than a month.
The content of this e-Workshop has been adapted to fit the present circumstances and conditions of implementation, whilst maintaining its initial objectives and values. Privileging a method of personal coaching, it will focus on two main themes: career management and digital & audio-visual training.
This alternative experience will take place over a period of more than a month and will include personal evaluations, collective broadcasts, one-on-one interviews and times of independent work. During the last day of the Workshop, participants will be given the opportunity to meet up (hopeful in person) to share their experience with others and present their work. This final meeting will be a great way to reinforce the collective nature of the project, whereas the eWorkshop will be essentially run at a distance.
Participants in the eWorkshop will be given the mission of completing two distinct and complementary personal projects: the first one on the theme of career management and the second one resulting in the production of a short video. By addressing issues that are crucial to the development of a young musicians’ career, these projects follow the objectives fixed by the Geneva Competition’s Prizewinners Workshop since its creation in 2017.
The e-Workshop is managed by the Geneva Competition and its line producer ProMusica Concert Agency. Both of these entities provide recognized professional competences to participants (artistic management, financial management, production, communication, public relations, etc.), as well as an experience of several years in event organization.
The permanent team will be reinforced by specialists in multimedia, as well as a journalist- presenter and a technical manager. These personalities will form the reference team in charge of organizing and animating the eWorkshop.
This 4th edition of the Prizewinners workshop of the Concours Genève is supported by the Art Mentor Foundation (Luzern, Switzerland).